Who we are
Do you want to know about us? IJSmart is an e-book “Publishing Company,” situated in Pakistan. Academic communities support a pioneer in scholarly, open-access publishing, IJSmart publishing Company®. Based in Pakistan, IJSmart publishing® has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms across all disciplines. In IJSmart Publishing Company, “IJ” stands for Interdisciplinary Journals, and “Smart” stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Our diverse, peer-reviewed, open-access journals are supported by more than 115,000 academic experts who support our mission, values, and commitment to providing high-quality service for our authors.

Our history is our legacy forever
We serve worldwide scholars to ensure their publicity and availability of the latest research, and all content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). We started our company in 2020, got multiple customers worldwide, and they have given excellent reviews. IJSmart publishing Company® definitely would love to serve you. Great services always lead to happy customers. Our history is our legacy forever. IJSmart is recognized globally due to its excellent work in a very short span. IJSmart is known due to its rapid publication in paperbacks, hard-form books, eBooks, and publications in international journals. Your problem’s solution is one step ahead of IJSmart Publishing Company. We focused on:
- Publishing electronic multidisciplinary books (Religious Books, Leadership Books, and Devotionals Books, Kids’ Books, Fiction Books, Academic Books, Journals volumes and issues) of authors
- Empower Ideas – To provide a common platform for Muslims & non-muslims (Ullama, researchers, scholars, doctors, and common people) to promote and encourage their research or ideas (all scientific, & social issues) worldwide.
- Promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – IJSmart Publishing Company follow SDGs
- Promote Researchers / Authors Worldwide – Through conferences, research publications, interviews and media platforms.
- Aim is to build Open Access Cloud
- Aim is to see a Skillful Pakistan
"The future belongs to those who dream big dreams"

Dr. Saba Malik
Chief Executive Officer at IJSmart Publishing Company
What we offer?
You must be wondering. what are we offering or what are our services? We will be glad to assist you in every way. There will be no pending updated reports. We have fast and quick services so, just trust us. Let’s discuss our services.

Books / e-Books Publication
IJSmart is a leading provider of quality publication services, specializing in the publication of books and e-books across a wide range of disciplines. Whether it’s science, technology, health sciences, or any other field, we ensure that our publications meet the highest standards of academic excellence. Our titles are indexed in renowned indexing agencies, ensuring that they reach a global audience and gain the recognition they deserve. With an extensive and growing library of books in science, technology, and health sciences, IJSmart is committed to advancing knowledge and making valuable research accessible to readers and scholars worldwide.
Conferences (AWMEC)

IJSmart Journals are dedicated to publishing original and unpublished research, comprehensive surveys, detailed reports, and insightful review papers across all areas of study from around the globe. Our commitment to academic excellence drives us to maintain the highest standards in every journal we produce. We are deeply passionate about fostering quality research and ensuring that the journals we publish are not only authoritative but also accessible to the global academic community. By prioritizing rigorous peer review, ethical publishing practices, and timely dissemination, we aim to provide you with the best platform for your scholarly work, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in all disciplines.

We are Recognised in

IJSmart is a vital service in quality publications that publish books, e-books, journals, and conferences. These titles are indexed in recognized indexing agencies. IJSmart has an extensive library of books in science, technology, and health sciences. IJSmart Books publishes monographs, handbooks, conference proceedings, textbooks, review volumes, biographies, and autobiographies. Journals published by us provide you with a Comprehensive Guide to the Structural Contents of a Good Manuscript:
- IJSmart Publishing Company® is registered with one of the biggest names in Pakistan
- We’re passionate about Quality Journals. Therefore, we provide you best Journals for Publication. So, you are most welcome to publish your research or any idea here!!
- IJSmart journals are fully open access, research articles, reviews, or any other content on this platform is available to everyone free of charge. To provide open access journals, we finance publication through article processing charges (APC); these are usually covered by the authors’ institutes or research funding bodies.
- IJSmart takes the responsibility to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure add high-quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication.
- At IJSmart publishing, we aim to continuously expand coverage of our publications within the academic databases of Google Scholar & PubMed.
Our mission is to ignite a universal passion for reading by creating books for everyone. We believe that books, and the stories and ideas they hold, have the unique capacity to connect us, change us, and carry us toward a better future for generations to come.
Empower ideas
IJSmart believe in the power of ideas and the importance of understanding how they impact others and to inspire people to take action on their “Ideas” and change the way things are done. IJSmart help people understand how their “Ideas” affect others and empower people to think critically on their ideas and question their skills.
To influence the society
Our aim is to influence the society by publishing books, e-Book, journals and conferences. Books have changed our lives. They’ve shaped us as individuals and as a society. And they’ll continue to do so long after we’re gone. We want to provide information that helps people become more aware of themselves and the world around them.
Aim to Promote
Our aim is to promote researchers among people of different cultures and backgrounds and their research worldwide. We want to make sure we give credit to those who have contributed to our company. We provide special rewards to our authors (Complete publicity). We go the extra mile to build the author’s reputation (Virtual Launching ceremony).
Connect Researcher
We want to enhance students research skills through conferences. We’re committed to making a difference in our communities through our Research Development program All World Muslim Educational Conference (AWMEC). Through our “All World Muslim Educational Conference 2022 (AWMEC’22)” we wanted to provide a common platform for Muslims & non-muslims (Ullama, researchers, scholars, doctors, and common people) to promote and encourage their research or ideas (all scientific, & social issues) worldwide.
Open Access Cloud
Our aim is to build open access cloud of research for researchers, where people can learn about topics they may not know much about.
Skillful Pakistan
Our aim is to see a skillful Pakistan with our Learn 2 earn program. Our goal is to help our country grow. To make sure that every Pakistani has access to quality education and skills. And that they have opportunities to succeed.